Sunday, March 20, 2005


Okay, this was done from Illustration Friday's weekly prompt (my first time!). It's not terribly good but I don't have much time. Her face looks a little bit flat. Blah.

I was originally going to do a seed and flower pots and I may do that later but..I people drawing needs help, and this popped into my head. It's kindof Thumbelina..kind of. Sometimes I draw people really well (note the first blog entry) and then other times..eck. Plus I didn't want to shade flowerpots on the computer and my scanner is half broken, so...yeah. And my colored pencils are at school.
Please comment. If you want. ;)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Sneak Peek

Project..yeah, so this little picture is a sneak peek of something bigger I'm working on..a wallpaper. And I'll probably never even use the wallpaper but that's okay anyways. I'll put it up on AllRandomness as a theme. Not that anyone cares.

I love fish! And I want a royal tang (that's what Dory is)! So..this is Dory, from Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo. She's speaking whale. Kind of. Her second eye is a bit weird, I didn't get the angle quite right. Oh well. I'm really just doing these for practice, so...shading is good. Because I need to work on shading!
Also, don't be surprised if most of the stuff in here is digital...I'm a college student with no scanner and the one at home only works with my Dad's laptop for weird reasons. So if I draw something really good I might scan it but otherwise..nope. I love my tablet!
Dory is copyright Disney/Pixar.

Friday, March 18, 2005

This is my new blog, where I am going to "blog" by posting some of my drawings.  This is just a trial thing, so let's see if this works. :)
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